Monday 27 February 2017

The Comeback 1: Intro

            It’s funny to say I’m back to my right senses. Right? Well this is due to the fact that I’m a lazy individual. I start things, nice and lovely things but dump them along the line. What I’m trying to say is that I have lots of abandoned projects hanging around my head. This has been a major defect in my lifestyle. This is a new year with 10 more months to go and lots of things to be accomplished as long as you set your mind to it. Well I’m also a victim of these things (uncompleted projects, not working towards the so called New Year Resolutions…). As a matter of fact, this laziness has been a friend of mine since my Secondary School days and it did contribute to not graduating as the best student but one of the top graduating students. The idea of all I need do is read and pass was my motto back then even right through my undergraduate days and it was a worm which ate my best years (100L – 300L 1st semester) back in school. I was one of the best students in my Secondary School days (JSS 1 to be precise) but my performance dropped when I got to JSS 2 and it was there for everyone to see. The teachers complained, reported me to my mom and things would only get a little better. Well, my performance was expected to sky rocket back to where it belonged but I didn’t take seriously though I tried improving on my academic performance. Well the teachers were somewhat pleased but it wasn’t going to last long.

‘Tomiwo: Yeeeeaaaahhhh!!!! 👀 Don’t blame me, I was a serious dude back then but they all wanted me to be at the fore front of the class claiming the top prizes….but I wasn’t really fascinated ‘bout it.
TheVoice: Are you okay? 😠 Who wouldn’t be excited ‘bout coming top of the class?
‘Tomiwo: I, Me and Myself (the worst trinity)
The Voice: No wonder a girl claimed the top spot…smh
‘Tomiwo: But... 😔
The Voice: Now I know you’re an unserious fellow. It did affect your undergraduate academic performance.
‘Tomiwo: Hmmmm, about that….(scratching my head) 🙎
The Voice: cuts in…. Shut up. See you. You’re talking nonsense.
‘Tomiwo: I’ll turn a new leaf.
The Voice: I hope so and I’m seriously praying 🙏 for the sleeping giant within you be woken up.

            I’ve had to have the conversation above over and over again. I know some of you think I’m crazy but I love having conversations with The Voice right in my head. The Voice tells the truth but does that in a blunt way. Don’t forget I said the lazy bug ate the best part of my undergraduate days. Lemme explain. A fresher has the first three years of his academic stay in the University to build a formidable (strong) CGPA. Well in my own case, I didn’t which was why I had to tighten my belt when I was got to my 3rd year (the second semester to be precise) till I graduated. Well, if not for God…..hmmmm…..where would I be?? Infact, Mi ò mọ̀. There’s an adage in Yoruba which says the starter is not the worker but whoever endures to the end shall be saved. For the Yoruba folks, English translation was poor right? Yes, here’s it in Yoruba;

Ìbèrè kìí se onísẹ́, à fi ẹni tí ó bá forítìí dé òpin ni a ó gbàlà.

Thanks to Hafiz, a colleague and a friend who made this awesome tool for Yoruba Intonation. Basically what the application does is to help insert intonations to Yoruba words. As I was saying going, this year is a year of planned comeback.

(***********The Voice cuts in*************)
The Voice: Na so you dey talk every year for the past 4 years.
‘Tomiwo: Come on, 🙇 just give me another shot at this. I wasn’t like this you know
The Voice: Hmmm. Well let’s try again. But mind you, this time, it must work. I don’t want to know how.
‘Tomiwo: Thanks Voice. 🙋

So as I was saying before the break in transmission, I planned I comeback in order to meet up and go beyond expectations. Are you planning to do the same? Please and please I’m begging you, in fact I’m on my kneels (lols….I’m on my chair o), stage a comeback this year and if possible this month. Writing articles ain’t my thing but I can only perfect it if write articles. I have lots of things planned as part of the comeback. Bringing Back My Blog (BBMG) is one of them. I’m off to a good start, I hope to continue with this.